Type of workspaces used for training and evaluation of SIMPNet (i.e., simple and complex).
![Interpolate start reference image.](./static/images/03. Environments.png)
A brief video introduction of SIMPNet.
We use graph neural networks (GNNs) to incorporate the structure of the robotic manipulator's kinematic chain into our proposed sampling heuristic. This approach makes our planner aware of the manipulator's articulated structure. We also use an attention mechanism to condition the planning problem on workspace embeddings, given different dimensions of configuration space and workspace in robotic manipulators.
Schematic of spatial-informed sampling heuristic within SIMPNet.
We build a graph that implicitly mimics the kinematic chain of the robotic manipulator.
Type of workspaces used for training and evaluation of SIMPNet (i.e., simple and complex).
Time vs. success rate and vs. planning cost of SIMPNet compared to benchmark planners.
Experimental evaluation and comparison of planned paths by SIMPNet and some baseline planners in a complex environment: Bi-RRT (Bi-directional RRT), IRRT* (Informed-RRT*), and MPNet (Motion Planning Networks). RRT completes the path in 32 seconds with a planning cost of 9.32. Bi-RRT plans in 9.44 seconds with a planning cost of 9.02. IRRT* takes 500 seconds, achieving a cost of 4.01 MPNet completes the path in 218 seconds with a planning cost of 11.3. SIMPNet plans the path in 5.81 seconds with a planning cost of 8.08.
Comparison of real-time deployment of SIMPNet and benchmark planners.
Bi-RRT (x8)
IRRT* (x4)
MPNet (x4)
SIMPNet (x4)
title = {SIMPNet: Spatial-Informed Motion Planning Network},
author = {Soleymanzadeh, Davood and Liang, Xiao and Zheng, Minghui},
journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
year = {2025},
publisher = {IEEE}